Tribute Wall
Memorial Visitation
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Friday, January 24, 2025
St. Cornelius Catholic Church
160 Ridge Road
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United States
Funeral Mass
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Friday, January 24, 2025
St. Cornelius Catholic Church
160 Ridge Road
Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United States
Marshal uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, January 23, 2025




+ 2
Dylan was one of my oldest (and funniest) friends. We grew up together, playing baseball as kids, and even after he moved away, we kept in touch. When I was younger, my parents let me visit him in both Florida and New York. Over the past few (many) years, we often had breakfast at The Original Pancake House, usually followed by a hike. But most of all, we talked — on the phone and through (endless) texts. We texted like teenagers with their first iPhone, even though we were both nearly half a century old.
Looking back through our texts over the past few weeks, I’ve been laughing and laughing. Some of them were serious — two friends helping each other through life — but most were jokes, silly non-sequiturs, movie quotes, memes, random catchphrases, and pure nonsense that kept us laughing for hours. Dylan was the only person I know who shared my love for (good, bad, and stupid-funny) TV shows and movies.
Sealab 2021 (Captain Murphy was practically our hero), Star Wars, Saturday Night Live, The Venture Brothers, Airplane!, Blazing Saddles, Remo Williams, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Back to the Future, The Orville, Kentucky Fried Movie, Goonies, Tron, and of course, The Naked Gun — we loved them all. One of the funniest things I ever did for him was send him a personalized video message through Cameo, recorded by Dana Snyder, the voice of Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It cracked him up every time he played it.
He once sent me a video of him and his mom, Mary, watching The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear together, and he said it was one of his absolute favorite times. They laughed and laughed, and you could feel the joy in that moment.
Dylan brought so much humor and light into my life, and I’ll always hold these memories close to my heart. He was a one-of-a-kind friend, and I’ll miss him every day.
Link to Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/recipient/QPnvE68Ge
Anna Kaline lit a candle
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Dylan was loved by the entire Rahal family.
You will be missed.
Love, Jerry and Anna Kaline
Jim McNamee uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 14, 2025




I had the privilege of living with Dylan on our year abroad in Ireland...watching MTV europe along with countless deep space 9 and x-files re-runs. Boxes of Frosties, curry chips, and burning hot dogs in the oven that our german roommate would call us out on ("yeah...REAL hot"). I'll miss you a bunch, man.
Joan Holliday posted a condolence
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Dear Mary and Family,
My heart goes out to you as you deal with the sudden death of Dylan. What a special person and soul, who I am certain is continuing his journey in the next life.
When I visited the Barmmer home after the death of Dylan's father, I was a recipient of Dylan's spontaneous "Haiku." I so appreciated this gesture and he ended up giving me several other Haikus to pass on. This act of caring by giving a positive message of inspiration was a gift not many give! Thank you Dylan and may you rest in peace!
Kelly Capps uploaded photo(s)
Friday, January 3, 2025

Writing about Dylan here from the So Cali area, and on behalf of our mutual buddy Albert. We worked with Dylan at Pacific Premier Bank and stayed in contact after he left. Dylan and I still worked freelance gigs together up through fall of last year. On occasions (never enough) the three of us would take in an Angels baseball game. Dylan HATED the owner, loved Trout and Ohtani, and never, NEVER was at a loss for words on anything Angels at every game. In our later connects, he'd wear that damn Banana bucket hat. He and I would go for dinner at Gulliver's Restaurant across from John Wayne Airport from time to time. He loved the Prime Rib and CREME CORN (?). Wacky at times, gracious always, and words were truly his superpower. The lesson I take here is the one we should all take when someone close passes. Keep those you care about close, and connect with them often. Albert and I got a text from Dylan just prior to Christmas about the LA Kings. Wish we could follow up with you, brother. God bless your family.
Nick Gunia uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, January 2, 2025




I have known Dylan since around 1989 when we were freshman classmates at Christopher Columbus High School in Miami, FL. I am still struggling to process the sad news of Dylan's passing and remain heartbroken. I extend my deepest sympathies to the entire Barmmer family, especially Mrs. Barmmer and Brendan.
Dylan was truly one-of-a-kind and there are no words that will capture the love, creativity, passion, and generosity of spirt that he embodied.
He was a gifted writer, poet, and artist who shared his talents far and wide, never asking for anything in return. In fact, he gave of himself, namely in the form of beautiful haiku poems, to his circle of family and friends, and even to complete strangers who he never met.
I know that many friends were touched by these poems, which oftentimes arrived on one's birthday, and will miss them going forward. Even strangers, who never knew Dylan personally, but who were lucky enough to receive or stumble upon his poems were moved by them. Dylan called this body of work "Random Acts of Poetry." Here is an example of a reaction to one of his random acts of poetry that was conveyed via Instragram and that is pinned to Dylan's Instagram page:
"You gave me the above poem in a parking lot in Ojai last April. I just came across it and wanted to thank you. You couldn't have known how meaningful and important your words were to me, then and again now. Bless you and your random acts of poetry."
And here is another reaction--again from a complete stranger:
"Regardless of what's written on the card, every one of your random acts of poetry bestows upon strangers the same thing: hope. I needed that. Thank you."
It's amazing to me how Dylan could elicit these profound reactions from people he never met with his words and intentions. Dylan was like a modern-day Evangelist spreading the gospel of love through his words and poems. It's also amazing to me that he did so randomly and oftentimes completely anonymously, never knowing who might read the poems, or how the readers would react to them. This reminds of a quote from the Bible, namely Matthew 6:3: "Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing." In other words, give to others without seeking recognition or praise. This is how Dylan gave of himself, and may it be an inspiration to us all.
Dylan was also an amazing son and I was moved by how much he loved and cared for his father, and how much Dylan suffered when his father's health was deteriorating in recent years. I did my best to comfort Dylan when his father passed in 2022 and Dylan returned the favor by being there for me when my own father passed in June 2024. Dylan even wrote a beautiful poem for my father that I will always cherish and will never forget. In fact, I have taken the liberty to adapt the same poem for the current, sad circumstances:
Sir Dylan, kinda
cooler than cool
wiser than wise...
he shall live on...
the thread is never
truly severed, only
connecting, deeper
in a weird new way...
Dylan, I will always love and miss you, and look forward to maintaining our friendship "in a weird new way."
I attach some of your Random Acts of Poetry and hope the world will continue to be inspired by your words and deeds.
Steve Brooks posted a condolence
Monday, December 30, 2024
C-PRIDE brother!!!!! You will be missed. We will all see you on the other side. RIP my friend.
Michael Kaline lit a candle
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Michael Kaline uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Too many memories… From street hockey to Saturday Night Live to being roommates at the 1-4-4 to Infinity… And Beyond. Miss you Brother. See you on the other side.
Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, love is stronger than death.
The body that is here on Earth is not meant for eternal life but in Heaven, it is a very different story. Our spirit, our soul, our essence lives forever. There we are surrounded by happiness, health, love and joy. Dylan is there now.
Todd Stiefel lit a candle
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Dylan made joy provoking poetry that was a candle in the dark. I will miss his words
Fran Blake lit a candle
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Fran Blake posted a condolence
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Dylan was such a wonderful man. I knew him from his high school days at Columbus with my sons Jon and Will Blake. He never failed to send cards and poems to me throughout his life. He will be missed by all. Sending love and hugs to Mary and all the family at this difficult time. With heartfelt sympathy for your loss.
Fran Blake
The family of Dylan John Barmmer uploaded a photo
Sunday, December 29, 2024

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Pagano Funeral Home
3711 Foulk Road
Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania19060
DE: (302) 792-8485
PA: (610) 485-6200
3711 Foulk Road
Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania 19060
PA: (610) 494-0505