Tribute Wall
Nikki DiGregorio posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
I met Alex when I was 14 and started working at Martins Run. He taught me an awful lot about life and inspired me to take time to listen to music. He made working the 5:30am shift the best place to be. He was so clever and thoughtful. A true artist in the kitchen and so curious about the natural world. I will always remember bringing a pizza over and hanging out to watch movies and talk about whatever. I will treasure the mixed cds you made me and may even reread Dune! Love you, Alex, thanks for all of the good times.
Juliana posted a condolence
Thursday, January 18, 2024
I first met my cousin when I was 15 years old. It was the first of many trips to US where I was always welcomed by my family there. ALEX always nade my feel at home. He was kind, nice and funny. He would tell you the Best jokes. He will be remembered by all of us that loved him. He will remain in our hearts and memories.
Hugo Garcia posted a condolence
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Desde Argentina Gloria, Hugo, Facundo, Juliana y Emiliano les mandamos nuestro más sentido pésame y nuestras oraciones por el descanso en paz de nuestro querido Alex.
The family of Eduardo A. Cobb uploaded a photo
Thursday, January 18, 2024

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Pagano Funeral Home
3711 Foulk Road
Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania19060
DE: (302) 792-8485
PA: (610) 485-6200
3711 Foulk Road
Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania 19060
PA: (610) 494-0505